Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon, 2018
Channeling Our Soul’s Intention

Alex Grey ~ Super Consciousness
The January 31st partial solar eclipse in Aquarius gave us the opportunity to upgrade our operating system, helping us think ‘outside the box’ about what we can do as human beings. We are changing, becoming more intuitive, more self-aware and better able to stand up for our beliefs. We’re uniting our inner masculine and feminine energies to become what psychologist Jean Houston calls ‘the possible human’.

This possible human leads with the heart rather than the head. Not in an unconscious display of emotions like our fearful leader does in his twitter rants, but rather coming from a compassionate awareness that we are all in this together. The human heart has a bigger magnetic field than any other organ in the body, even the brain. It is our third brain, the mystical brain of compassionate awareness. Our other brains deal with survival and our creative imagination.

When we lead from the heart, we only see unity. We see that we are all one family called humanity.

The old operating system only sees divisions. It’s based on the need to survive at all costs and gives rise to hierarchies of power. We are seeing the end game of that kind of system. It leads to death, because it refuses to die so it can be reborn again on a higher level. The old death machine is fighting back, because that’s all it knows how to do now.

While I write this newsletter, my computer screen keeps flashing pictures of my 2 ½ year old grandson. My heart overflows with love whenever I see his smiling face. Our children are so precious.

And then I flash to what happened to our children in Florida, and to all the children who have died in school shootings, and think, ‘why should my grandson be more precious than these children?’ Children who died to feed a ‘dead’ society that just doesn’t want to die – a true Zombie Apocalypse


And my heart told me the Truth.

Our American society, which we want to see as good and loving, helpful and brave, is showing its underbelly. We are the ultimate corporate state. Our companies use slave labor to make the clothes we buy and throw out. We waste energy and pollute the Earth for profit. We don’t take care of our people or our common good. Selfishness leads to greed. We are consumers rather than citizens. That’s what America has fallen to.

Plato, who imagined an ideal and just City, would weep for our loss. We are definitely not ‘the shining city on the hill’ of justice and peace that all people of good will long for. This is not freedom to create the world we want and need. This is freedom to have 60 choices of soap and cheap, throw-away clothes, and dead, poisoned food. And insipid, 24-hour TV shows which dull the imagination and fill our psyches with violence.

Some of our people think they still live in the ‘wild west’ and need their guns for courage, for who knows when someone will attack. It doesn’t matter that our children are dying for their fears – both abroad in our multiple wars (why don’t our leaders and their children go to war instead of sending our youngsters) and at home, in our cities and for a long time now, in our schools. Who kills children?

We are the most fearful nation. Why? Not because of outside attacks. We are vulnerable from inside our own nation. Like cancer, we are rotting from the inside out. The need to get a gun and kill people is just as prevalent in America as it is in the Middle East. We just don’t call ourselves terrorists. We say, ‘oh, they’re just crazy’.

And yet we don’t call out the very people who make these weapons of death and destruction. They are the truly crazy people for they amass fortunes through death.

Fundamentalists fear the Anti-Christ. Perhaps they are the Anti-Christ. For sure our culture is. For we are against (anti) spirit (Christ-consciousness).

People don’t ‘need’ guns. They’ve been trained to believe they do. And they seem to enjoy killing, if not people, then animals. If they just want to test their skills, why not take up archery or knife throwing? They are tools for killing as well but not as lethal. And they give the other guy a chance to strike back. It equals out the power. But then you’d have to have some courage to face an opponent head on rather than from behind a gun barrel.

We refuse to hold our government accountable for these deaths. Our leaders let our home-grown terrorists access guns without any checks and balances. Who would sell an automatic rifle to a kid? Are we any better than Boko Haran and Islamic State who kidnap kids and make them fight and kill their own people?

Our government officials are accountable. They are bribed by groups such as the NRA and corporate killers. They have blood on their hands. And they don’t care.

We are accountable by not participating in our government. Isn’t it time we did?

Our children have had enough and they are standing up to this death machine. I wondered where they found the courage and will to do this. And then I re-watched a Harry Potter film “The Order of the Phoenix”, where Hogwarts is taken over by a crazed woman who refuses to acknowledge EVIL. She refuses to let these young magicians learn how to defend themselves from Voldemort, and punishes them for even believing that this evil was abroad in the world. And so Harry teaches them.

Our kids grew up with this powerful story of a boy and his friends standing up to EVIL. And like all great myths, these stories make us better people. Perhaps they gave our kids the courage to face down the evils in our society.

Our kids need us to stand up with them – which our parents didn’t do for us in the 60-70s when Uranus and Pluto started a new cycle of evolution and revolution. As the potent square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn wanes, we are called to transform our society. And the children are leading the way.

Virgo—Pisces Full Moon, 2018

The Virgo Full Moon occurs on March 1st at 4:51pm PST/ 7:51pm EST and on March 2nd at 12:51am GMT. 


The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 12* Virgo is: After the wedding, the groom lifts the veil away from his bride’s face. This is a time to unveil the mysteries of life. Interestingly, apocalypse means an unveiling. In mystical traditions, the groom is the Divine Spirit. The bride is the Soul. It’s time to marry our soul to spirit and live out its intention.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 12* Pisces is: In The Sanctuary Of An Occult Brotherhood, Newly Initiated Members Are Being Examined And Their Character Tested. Are we passing our initiation? Have we learned the lessons of our past? Can we go on to become newly awakened Possible Humans?

The Sabian symbol for Neptune at 14* Pisces is: A Lady Wrapped In A Large Stole Of Fox Fur. This is a feminine energy attuned to natural instincts. The Celts see foxes as wise guides, especially when confronted by obstacles and tricky situations. Fox is mentally and physically cunning and knows how to traverse the dark places as well as the dream world.

Combined with the Pisces Sun symbol, our spiritual consciousness has to be attuned to our instinctual wisdom. And the Virgo Moon wants to incarnate both.

Neptune is the spiritual energy of the creative imagination and it comes to us in vision, dreams and inspiration. But if left unconscious, it can drain our energies and confuse our ego. With four planets and two asteroids in Pisces, it’s time to let go of our ego agendas and let Spirit take us into the flow.

The Virgo Moon draws upon the Piscean energies of not only the Sun and Neptune, but also Venus, Mercury and Chiron in Pisces, bringing all that watery energy down to earth in a practical way to heal and purify us. Grounded in the here and now details of life, we can begin to discern the treasures of the creative imagination from our collective delusions and ‘fake news’.

We have entered a time very much like the early 70s, when there were protests and civic disruption. Our leaders were caught off-guard then, but you have only to turn on the news to see that our corporate elites have prepared for this round of revolution. They are trying to take away our 1st Amendment ‘right to protest’ just as they are determined to stop any curtailment of the 2nd Amendment ‘right to bear arms’. So it’s okay to kill people (especially children) but not okay to protest against a government that no longer serves the common good.

We will need the cunning of the fox to help us stand up for our values and beliefs. That’s where the ARTS come in. Pisces is very much connected to Art, for it is the sign not only of spirit but of imagination, which uses the vehicle of the Arts to express itself.

Alex Grey ~ Painting

The Republicans have eroded any government support for the ARTS, especially since it was our artists (think John Lennon) and musicians who led the way in the 70s for our cultural revolution. Now we once again need our artists to help change the collective tides. Art speaks to the heart and so I ask, where are our musicians, our Bards, our artists, our dancers? Where are they telling the story of NOW, of what it means to take a stand at these most dangerous and beautiful times of cultural transformation?

Mercury, Venus and Chiron are conjunct in late Pisces, giving voice to healing visions. With a strong trine from Jupiter in Scorpio, just before Jupiter turns retrograde on March 8th, we have the ability to dig deep into the soul, facing the wounds of this lifetime and many previous ones. What better way to express what we discover than through Art?

Art is one of the blessings of Pisces. And as we leave the Piscean Age, we need to take our Artists seriously. And they need to take themselves seriously and tell us the story of our times. That will begin a great healing of our collective psyche.

It’s time to bring more healthy nourishment into our collective lives, and that begins in our own lives. Don’t forget that we are all artists, so dance and sing, play music, create art and story and share it with your communities.

With Saturn in Capricorn and Pallas in Taurus forming a grand earth trine with this Virgo Moon, we have the energies to strategize and manage how to bring our dreams into manifestation. Just remember. Take it slow. Saturn wants to build solid foundations and so we have to be patient and let things develop in their own time and place. That means, we have to get off of patriarchal time and step into cosmic flow.

With Mars and Vesta in Sagittarius squaring the Venus, Mercury, Chiron conjunction, we have to know when and how to speak our truths, otherwise, they will go unheard.

Mars and Vesta in Sagittarius trines Uranus and Black Moon Lilith in Aries as well as the Leo North Node. Once again, be inspired to bring up what has been wounded and rejected and know that we can burn the old off if we use the vision of the possible human to guide us.

These are some of the characteristics of this new order of being.

1, We have to form a new relationship with what we have called ‘God’ in the past. Instead of an institution or a set of rules about what is ‘good’ or ‘evil’, we have to form an individual connection within to Spirit and learn how to distinguish Its voice from our ego’s voice. Listen to Susan Vega singing Leonard Cohen’s Story of Isaac. We are going to have our individual connection to the Creative Spirit.

2. We all have to become Self-Aware. We need to know who we are and what our individual purpose is. It is definitely NOT about what job we have. Know Thyself was inscribed on Apollo’s temple at Delphi.

3. We have to learn that we are all in this together. We are facing the serious environmental consequences of our modern lifestyle. We can no longer think in terms of them or us. We are all us.

On this final full Moon before the Spring Equinox starts another new cycle of life here in the northern hemisphere, let us leave the old behind and step into the future.

Do it for and with the children.

Walk in peace and love,

In Silence -- Thomas Merton

In Silence

Be still.
Listen to the stones of the wall.
Be silent, they try
To speak your

To the living walls.
Who are you?
Are you? Whose
Silence are you?

Who (be quiet)
Are you (as these stones
Are quiet). Do not
Think of what you are
Still less of
What you may one day be.
Be what you are (but who?) be
The unthinkable one
You do not know.

O be still, while
You are still alive,
And all things live around you
Speaking (I do not hear)
To your own being,
Speaking by the Unknown
That is in you and in themselves.

“I will try, like them
To be my own silence:
And this is difficult. The whole
World is secretly on fire. The stones
Burn, even the stones
They burn me. How can a man be still or
Listen to all things burning? How can he dare
To sit with them
When all their silence
Is on fire?”

~ Thomas Merton ~

(The Strange Islands: Poems by Thomas Merton)

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