Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Aries New Moon 2018: A New Creation Story

The Cosmic Story: Aries New Moon 2018
A New Creation Story

This Aries New Moon is the first new Moon of the astrological year. And it’s a big one! This is the time to plant the seeds of rebirth and renewal for this coming year, seeds that will take you into your future. What’s different about this Aries New Moon? It is cradled between the asteroid Eris, Goddess of Discord and the planet Uranus, sky god of freedom, revolution and sudden changes.

Add to this the fact that Mercury ends its retrograde earlier in the day and we can see that a new mind-set, a new perspective is waiting to be born within us, and hopefully within our society. As you look at the news (ruled by Mercury), for every attempt to turn the clock back on freedom, equality and environmental protections, you can see people rising up everywhere to stand against the regressive pull of old patriarchal thinking.

Just to remind you, we are in the ‘hero’s journey’ part of the Uranus/Pluto cycle where we have to overcome obstacles to make sure the new seeds of revolution and evolution planted in the 60s get stronger and spread their roots deeper in our collective consciousness. More people are waking up to the fact that we have to be citizens rather than consumers, that we have to be stewards of the Earth rather than users, and that democracy demands an awakened citizenry rather than sleepers who look for the ‘bread and circus’ our leaders would bestow on us. 

This Aries New Moon occurs on April 15 at 6:57pm PDT/ 9:57pm EDT and on April 16 at 1:57am GMT.


As you can see, most of the planets fall in the solar 1st and 10th houses.  The first house is our self-identity while the tenth house deals with how we contribute to our society.  That's the message of this new creation story.  As JFK once said, "Ask not what your country/world can do for you.  Rather, ask what you can do for your country/world."

With Uranus in its final connection to an Aries New Moon for the next 84 years, plant seeds for the unexpected! Plant seeds for inner revolution and freedom. While Uranus travels through Taurus from May 15 to November 6 before retrograding back to Aries until March 2019, we’ll be breaking new ground and beginning to work on our new foundations. What you end up building might not be what your ego expected you to create. Go with the flow and let your heart and soul do the creating.

If the myth of 2012 holds a reality, it is that a new age is dawning, one 26,000 years in the making. This is a time for a new creation story, just as Uranus was originally created out of Gaia’s birth.
first there was Chaos, and then appeared board-bosomed Earth, who bore, first of all and as her equal, the starry Sky, Ouranos. Then she bore the great mountains, valleys, plains and the Sea, and after that she mated with Ouranos and bore many children, among whom were the Titans and Titanesses...who represented the ‘titanic’ forces of the earth. (Hesiod’s Theogony)

The idea of a new creation story is validated by the Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 27* Aries: Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained. The creative imagination is the source of all creation and so we must first imagine what it is we want so we can manifest it. Perhaps the lost opportunity is a chance to build a world of peace, love and beauty, rather than the world of war, domination and misogyny we’ve been living in during patriarchal times.

Now add in the meaning of the Sabian symbol for Mercury turning direct at 5* Aries: A triangle with wings. This is a symbol of a higher order of being, of pure aspiration. A new dimension of being is initiated by our creative imagination and endeavors. Together these symbols speak to us of a new creation. A New Story!

I’ve been reading the Rick Riordan books, The Kane Chronicles, about ancient Egyptian magic returning to our world. It’s a book that brings into focus, better than The Secret or even the Abraham-Hicks books, how to manifest a new reality. While these new age books seem to be obsessed with how to attract money and abundance, these children’s books get to the heart of the matter. It’s about becoming who you really are, rather than attracting material abundance. And that takes courage and sacrifice and hope.

To channel magic, you have to believe in it. And to believe, you have to feel it and embody it. The power of Egyptian magic came through the Sacred Word, but their sacred words were first and foremost pictures! The ancient Egyptians knew that saying a word did nothing if you didn’t also use your imagination to call it up on a feeling level. To make magic, we have to use both sides of our brain, the literal side and the imaginal side. You have to really know on a soul level what those words mean.

The hieroglyphs were pictures that went deeper than words, especially our English words, which are kind of flat. Most of us don’t know the depth of what our words originally meant. Such as discord meaning dis – against and cor – the heart. When we look up the definition of the word discord, we find it means ‘strife, conflict, friction, disagreement or opposition’. Nowhere does it mention ‘going against the heart’. Did you know that the word disaster originally meant ‘dis – going against and aster – the stars? That certainly feels different, doesn’t it?

Our children are being brought up with wonderful myths of magic and ancient gods and goddesses, with stories of psychic abilities that are used to battle evil, with children being the heroes and heroines. Perhaps this is why the children are leading the way now, because they know and believe it is their duty to fight against evil, rather than sit back while it destroys the world. That’s why Jesus said we had to become like children if we wanted to enter the kingdom of God.

So what does this have to do with Uranus conjunct this Aries New Moon and a new creation story? Uranus’ journey through Aries has asked us to re-define who we think we are, since Aries is about our self-identity. Uranus wants to awaken us to our soul-identity. It wants to free us from the patriarchal rules and bindings that shut down belief in the unknown parts of ourselves and our innate abilities. Our religions and our culture have rejected and vilified those very gifts which can give us strength and save us now. How many of you are re-discovering ‘psychic’ and healing abilities after confronting the fear of being burned at the stake, tortured for your beliefs and gifts?

So the new creation story promises us more than the old creation stories, which would bind us to beliefs about original sin, misogyny (it’s all Eve’s fault) and survival of the fittest. We are finding out that Nature operates out of connection and cooperation rather than strife and domination. Like Matthew Fox who speaks of our original blessings rather than our original sins, we need to see that we are co-creators, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. When we really can imagine that, we will find that we’re not here to ‘make it big’ within the patriarchal mindset, but rather we are here to be spiritual mothers, spiritual warriors and holy stewards of Mother Earth.

So this very wild New Moon in Aries is blessed not only by the heavenly energies of Uranus/Ouranos but also by the ancient goddess Eris. The Greeks thought of her as the source of discord and disagreement, but as we saw, she really only creates that kind of strife when we ‘go against the heart’. The struggle within us is to break free of the old bindings of ‘shoulds and oughts’ and actually follow our hearts. She is the spirit of the enraged feminine side of life which has been rejected by patriarchy. To read more about Eris and Uranus in Aries, here is a link to Sarah Varcas’ article.

If we continue to follow the energy of the cardinal signs which initiate action, we can look to Aries’ ruler, Mars, which is very happy traveling through Capricorn along with Saturn and Pluto and Vesta. As a matter of fact, it stands at the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, combining and balancing these two opposing energies. While Saturn is about form and structure and our 3D reality, Pluto purges and destroys what is no longer viable. Mars therefore is ready to work with what remains.

Mars works well in Capricorn, bringing focus and discipline and determination to the fires of creation this New Moon generates. If Capricorn is the sign of our dharma, our soul purpose, then Mars here is ready to work with and fight for that soul vision we need to birth. So remember, you are the author of your life. Now is the time to write a new story.

Vesta, the fire priestess, squares Mercury as it stations in Aries. We have to add the sacred dimension of life to how we think. And of course, the Sabian symbol for Mercury does just that. Add to that image the Sabian symbol for Vesta at 3* Capricorn:
A human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment. Here’s another symbol of new life, a new creation, a new story. This new life wants to take things to the next level. Are you ready?

The fixed signs are generating energy from Venus in Taurus, North Node in Leo, Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio and South Node in Aquarius, as they did at the Libra Full Moon. They help us ground in the longings of our hearts, our values and our connections to others. Own your shadow, understand what it’s teaching you and open your heart to embrace what life brings.

Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio teams up with Neptune, Juno and Chiron in Pisces to bring our emotional intelligence online. Listen to it and trust it. This is the energy that will help water those creative visions for the future. It’s time for us all to find our place in Mother Earth’s new creation story. I wonder how the adventure will unfold?!!!

May the Goddess of Life bless us all and may the God protect us as we recreate the world.


For Light -- John O'Donohue

Light cannot see inside things.
That is what the dark is for:
Minding the interior,
Nurturing the draw of growth
Through places where death
In its own way turns into life.

In the glare of neon times,
Let our eyes not be worn
By surfaces that shine
With hunger made attractive.

That our thoughts may be true light,
Finding their way into words
Which have the weight of shadow
To hold the layers of truth.

That we never place our trust
In minds claimed by empty light,
Where one-sided certainties
Are driven by false desire.

When we look into the heart,
May our eyes have the kindness
And reverence of candlelight.

That the searching of our minds
Be equal to the oblique
Crevices and corners where
The mystery continues to dwell,
Glimmering in fugitive light.

When we are confined inside
The dark house of suffering
That moonlight might find a window.

When we become false and lost
That the severe noon-light
Would cast our shadow clear.

When we love, that dawn-light
Would lighten our feet
Upon the waters.

As we grow old, that twilight
Would illuminate treasure
In the fields of memory.

And when we come to search for God,
Let us first be robed in night,
Put on the mind of morning
To feel the rush of light
Spread slowly inside
The color and stillness
Of a found word.

~ John O'Donohue ~

(To Bless the Space Between Us) 

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Copyright 2018  Cathy Pagano  

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