Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Cosmic Story: Scorpio Full Moon & Beltaine 2018

The Cosmic Story: Scorpio Full Moon 20018
Beltane & Wesak Full Moon


Gaia really blossoms in May as we welcome in Beltane, the 2nd cross-quarter fire festival of the Wheel of the Year, from April 30th to May 5th. This is my favorite time of the year, not only because it’s my birthday but because Spring begins to really blossom now. Nature adorns herself in sweet smells and soft breezes, gorgeous colors and vibrant greens, bright sunny skies and happy faces. We really know in our bodies that Winter is behind us and Summer is on its way.

This is the time to dance the Maypole, weaving the ribbons of masculine and feminine life energies, weaving sweet desire and blossoming hope in our hearts. Gaia opens up her treasure trove of blessings and we all get to share in her abundance and fertility – not only of the body, but also of the mind, heart and spirit.

For the month of Taurus inhales all that Aries fire and gives it a form. What we have to remember is that the form is also Spirit, Spirit made manifest. While Taurus often gets a rap for being too possessive, too materialistic (it is the most fixed and earthy of earth signs), too concerned with security, in reality Taurus knows that this Earth and all her children are really a concrete form of Spirit. It is only our modern culture that has forgotten and denies this truth, and be-spells us into thinking our material wealth will keep us safe and happy. For we have forgotten how to see Spirit in everything around us, lost in the flat Earth illusion that Spirit resides somewhere in the heavens. 

The truth is, Earth’s life is beautiful! And Spirit walks in beauty. How can we learn to love Spirit if we have no images and feelings to connect us to that Great Mystery? The Earth and Taurus give us a visceral experience of the beauty, peace and majesty of the Unseen Spirit. Of the creative possibilities of Life.

So we ask ourselves, how can we collaborate with Mother Gaia to strengthen the Life She so freely offers us? Because these years are the most crucial in our lifetime. These are the years when we either integrate the new life of true freedom, compassion and community in our world, or we let it fall apart and into more war and death.

We are called to a new story of Life. We are called to weave these energies together for the coming year, to balance our inner feminine and masculine energies, as well as our outer relationships between the sexes. We need both men and women to birth a new world, just as we need a mother and a father to create a child. And to deepen that metaphor, it is through pleasure and connection that we do create new life, isn’t it? Later this year, both Venus and Mars will go retrograde, giving us a chance to renew these energies and refresh their bond.

While women have been working on finding our own unique gifts and powers for some time now, men have been feeling left behind. But this is changing. I’m seeing men integrate their feminine side in many ways – planting gardens, taking care of their children, hanging out at the YMCA and singing together! Taking care of their own health needs, both at the supermarket and at the gym. Calling out other men for bad behavior and taking responsibility for past behaviors.

Just as women have been reconnecting to the ancient goddesses to discover our lost heritage, men need to rediscover their mythological roots. The best story I can offer men is that of King Arthur, the Once and Future King. Arthur is the archetypal King, who protects his land from death and destruction, who creates a kingdom of peace and prosperity and who presides over the great quest for men – to attain the Holy Grail of a deep and spiritual vision of life. Like all myths and fairy tales, the Arthurian stories help us navigate through uncertain times.

Guess what? The Future is NOW! Let’s invoke the return of the King, for we need the power, protection and honor of the masculine intellect to embrace the vision, love and creativity of the feminine imagination. Just as we need men and women to stand together to bring about the changes we need to protect our children’s future.

So Happy Beltane. If you have a partner, go out and make love in the fields! Or at least, find a Maypole to dance around.

Buddhist Wesak Moon

This Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon is know as the Wesak Moon, celebrating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. This gives us a symbolic picture of what the Buddha spoke of. Taurus is manifest reality while Scorpio speaks to the inner realms of desires, feelings and transformation. It is where we transform our inner feeling realm, letting emotions that no longer serve us die so we can create energetic space for new life. Once we get over the illusion that we are only our body and understand that it houses our Spirit, we are transformed. We no longer have to fear life. We can live it!

So go sit under your own private Bodhi Tree, face your demons until they turn into flowers and die to your old story.

Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon 2018

This Scorpio Full Moon occurs on April 29th at 5:58pm PDT and at 8:58pm EDT. And on April 30th at 12:58am GMT.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 10* Taurus is: A red cross nurse. This is a symbol that consecrates us to all of humanity. The first red cross nurse, Clair Barton, went out to the battlefields of the American Civil War, caring for the wounded and dying. This is the agape love that will go into the darkness of death to help and serve others. Are you ready to join up?

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 10* Scorpio is: A fellowship supper reunites old comrades. We’ve done this before, you know. We’ve all worked to help humanity before and we’ve come back to do it again in this time of need and evolution. So find your people and band together, because there’s work to do.

These two images bring to mind a program I heard on NPR this morning about veterans and our role in helping them. We can’t leave it up to the government to take care of them because the system isn’t working. It’s up to us to help, so find a way to either help veterans or some others who need help in your community and get to work making life better for them.

Out of the Uranus-infused Aries New Moon, we come to the Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon, ready to discover what is blocking our Awakening. A seed bearing a lightning bolt of energy, the New Moon we planted can give rise to something new and unexpected. Our ego might struggle with giving up control, but who really has control with Uranus? With him we have to learn to expect the unexpected. If we go with the flow of life energy, which is running high on a springtime flood, we might find ourselves in a new place, a new energy, a new possibility.

Uranus is the liberator, the energy that can pull us out of our rut and kick us into the future. After 7 years in Aries, we’ve hopefully connected to our archetypal identities to help us answer the Aries question, who am I? These were the years of the Pluto/Uranus waxing square, the one calling us to the Hero’s Journey. Think back to 2012 and look at our world now. The old patriarchal paradigm is convulsing in its death throes, while people are finally rising up and taking responsibility for their needs and desires.

The Parkland survivors are going to bring down the NRA’s powerful hold on the American government, American teachers are striking all over the country, the courts are standing up (for the most part) to the American President and his corporate cronies and the world is waking up to the environmental dangers of climate change. And most importantly, people are acting like citizens rather than consumers. We will ground in the visionary changes of the 60s, bringing gender equality, social and racial justice, environmental, food and health safety and peace to the world. We just have to stand up. And keep standing up.

That’s where Chiron comes in. Chiron has been traveling through Pisces from April 2010 to April 2018, bringing a profound spiritual transformation to us. As of last week, April 18th, Chiron moved into Aries (it will return to Pisces for a short stay from late September 2018 to mid February 2019). While we see Chiron as the Wounded Healer, which he has been while in Pisces, we need to remember that before he was wounded, he was the Mentor of Heroes.

And that’s what his role in Aries will be. We have to get over our wounds and turn them into our strengths. Because to change the world, we will have to stand strong, perhaps suffer and ultimately win through to a new world order – one that ‘we the peoplecreate rather than our corporate masters. With his mentoring we can develop wisdom, temperance, courage and justice – Plato’s ideal of human excellence and a just society.

My new favorite fantasy writer is Sarah Maas, who creates new mythologies out of the deep myths of the past. She has created characters who take a stand against the evils of their world, fighting against tremendous odds, suffering untold pains and yet coming through it unconquered. And winning through to a new world of peace and community. I’m not going to say what we have ahead of us will be easy, or even pleasant all the time (as we’re already seeing). But if we hold true to our values (Taurus) and face Death (Scorpio) with a centered heart, we will come through for ourselves and our world.

That’s the message I get from this Scorpio Full Moon. It is square the Nodes – at the bendings. What this means is that when we can face our own darkness – you can scream and shout at the pain it causes – and yet come through it because that is what is necessary to accomplish our goals, we will awaken the new Queen and King (Leo North Node) and establish the Round Table (Aquarius South Node) and bring new life, new hope and new vision to our world.

Taurus is the Earth Mother who provides us with the fertility of Spring so we can prosper as the year turns. Scorpio is the Death Goddess who takes back what is no longer viable. Life and death are two sides of the same coin. We are born into this life knowing only one thing for sure. At its’ end we will die. What we make of the middle is up to us. Let us burn brightly and do our best to fill it with love, creativity, art, beauty, truth, justice and honor.

At this powerful Full Moon, we get to look at ourselves in the mirror of eternity. Who were we before this lifetime? Who will we become after? What fears hold us in a timeless frozen state that disconnects us from our soul’s eternal journey? We’ve all been raped and pillaged, and we’ve all raped and pillaged. We are mirror images of each other, and yet unique. This is our chance to recreate ourselves in our soul’s image instead of the world’s image. This is our chance to meet the world’s needs rather than just our own. This is our chance to dance with our destiny.

Who do you want to be in the future? Because Uranus is going to leave Aries on May 15th, at the Taurus New Moon, and dip his toes into Taurus for about 6 months before returning to check back into Aries before settling into Taurus from March 6, 2019 to April 26, 2026. Collectively, Uranus in Taurus will see us developing new innovative ways to live and protect the environment. Personally, we will develop new ways of relating to our bodies and to the Earth. We’ll wake our bodies up from their long patriarchal-induced sleep and even begin to use more of our brain and DNA. 

This is when we can become the Possible Human, consciously evolving with Mother Earth to change course and perhaps even create a paradise here on Earth.

To help us awaken to our deep need for renewal and rebirth, Mars and Pluto joined together on Thursday April 26th, motivating us toward our new goals and story. Saturn retrograde in Capricorn trines the Taurus Sun and sextiles the Scorpio Moon, helping us develop the inner motivation and responsibility to keep going and change. 

Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio open us to the emotional intelligence to listen to Spirit and stay in touch with the love and compassion we need to face our challenges.
Get excited about the possibilities of life. Don’t linger on the pain and anger – that just feeds the beast. Imagine! Create! Love! Feel! That’s what Taurus asks of us.

Walk in beauty,

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Copyright 2018 Cathy Pagano


Who knows the mysteries of the poppies
when you look across the red fields,
or hear the sound of long thunder,
then the saving rain.
Everything beautiful,
the solitude of the single body
or sometimes, too, when the body is kissed
on the lips or hands or eyelids tender.
Oh for the pleasure of living in a body.
It may be, it may one day be
this is a world haunted by happiness,
where people finally are loved
in the light of leaves,
the feel of bird wings passing by.
Here it might be that no one wants power.
They don't want more.
And so they are in the forest,
old trees,
or those small but grand.
And when you sleep, rapture, beauty,
may seek you out.
Listen. There is
secret joy,
sweet dreams you may never forget.
How worthy the being
in the human body. If,
when you are there, you see women
wading on the water
and clouds in the valley,
the smell of rain,
or a lotus blossom rises out of round green leaves,
remember there is always something
besides our own misery.

~ Linda Hogan ~

(Rounding the Human Corners)

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