Showing posts with label lovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lovers. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Scorpio New Moon 2020 & Mars Stationing Direct


The Cosmic Story: Scorpio New Moon 2020

A New Beginning



This weekend’s Scorpio New Moon is definitely one of the most intense New Moons of the year. Secretive, seductive Scorpio isn’t interested in surface interactions. It wants to get to the juicy aspects of relationships, the ones that we keep hidden even from ourselves, the ones that we’re afraid won’t be accepted.

Whether it’s our Shadow qualities or just too much trauma, Scorpio’s New Moon is our opportunity to dive deep and bring those vampires into the light at the next Full Moon, which is a lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius. What part of yourself has been hiding in the shadows? Maybe it’s something we all need right now. But unless you bring it up and out, we’ll never know.

Scorpio is the fixed water sign of the zodiac. Fixed water can get stagnant if we stay on the surface, but if it spirals deeper into our psyches, it can bring about emotional transformation. And that’s the name of the game for Scorpio – the transformation of stuck or blocked feelings that generate emotions that keep us separate from the Other. That keep us separated from ourselves.


If Cancer is the sign of our original emotional body, then Scorpio is our emotional body under the stress of having to relate to others. This is where we pick up our trauma and when we hide behind our Shadows. But we can clean up the waters within us so that our truth shines out. It’s time to heal those wounds so we can get on to our new life. That’s the work for us this month as we head into eclipse season. With the lunar nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius, our cosmic assignment is to root out old belief systems that no longer serve us or the world, and learn to think in new ways so we can discover something worthwhile to believe in again.

And some of the old beliefs we culturally need to clean up our act about are our attitudes toward sex and sexuality, toward vulnerability and intimacy. That’s why pedophilia seems to be so rampant among men. They prey on the young and vulnerable through their dysfunctional beliefs about sex and their fear of women. Hopefully, American men are about to get an upgrade on their sexuality – see below.

While it’s intense to face the truth about ourselves, our relationships and our world, once we do, we bring light into the situation and it really becomes easier for everyone. And with the situation in the world now, being truth-speakers and truth-seekers is more important than ever. Just ask your Sagittarius friends! With the eclipses coming up next month in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, we will be confronting those truths about our beliefs to see if they’re still valid or delusional. We might have to learn something new. Why not start early?

Scorpio New Moon

The Scorpio New Moon occurs on Saturday November 14th at 8:08pm Alaska time/ 9:08pm PST and on Sunday November 15th at 12:08am EST and 5:08am GMT.


 Scorpio New Moon 2020

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 23* 18’ is: After having heard an inspired individual deliver his ‘sermon on the mount’, crowds are returning home.


This image speaks to the need to go home and live out those values which we aspire (to breathe upon) to. This is a symbol that speaks to our need for real transformation – of our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our spirits. It also speaks a lot to the situation we’re in the middle of here in the United States. While many are inspired by Joe Biden’s pledge to work to heal our nation, others are inspired by Donald Trump to see conspiracies, cheating and hatred. Which values will we chose to live by?

Half of the American population voted for the future, for kindness and compassion, for grown-up responsibility toward each other, the world and Mother Earth.

The other half seems to have voted for their own self-interest, for delusional conspiracy theories and for a morally corrupt and now treasonous leader. I don’t know about you, but this makes me sad and disappointed that so many good people don’t really know what their beliefs are or how to live out their values. That’s the work we face with the eclipses occurring in Gemini/Sagittarius.

Because if healing the environment by stopping corporations from polluting it further, if stopping the separation of children from their parents, if truth and responsibility are not at the top of everyone’s list of important things we have to handle as a world and as a society, what will our children’s children think about us and the world we’re leaving them? If we don’t start acting like our lives depended on it, they will condemn us for our selfishness and cowardly fears.

Waters of Life

This Scorpio New Moon occurs in the last decan of Scorpio – the last 10 degrees – which are dedicated to Cancer, the Great Mother. It generates the energy of transformation and a new birth, a conscious return to our original state of being. When we release the past, it transforms us but it also brings us back to our own unique selves.

The New Moon is exactly trine Jupiter in Capricorn, who asks us to open our hearts to our deepest desires and blessings so that he can fulfill them, and to Pluto, the new ruler of Scorpio, so that he can help us face our deaths as we prepare for new life.

This Scorpio New Moon is a time to plant seeds for the future out of the death of the year – and what a lot of death there has been. It is inspired by the Capricorn planets – Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn – who brought an end to our old capitalistic society and are now introducing us to a new era, a new society. It nurtures us to open to the imagination and spiritual vision of Neptune in Pisces, which shows us who and what we’ve been ignoring – the elderly, the children, community, compassion, freedom and equality, and the possibility of a new relationship with Mother Earth.

And it is aware that Uranus in Taurus will help us create that new world. With Mercury in Scorpio opposite UranusRx in Taurus, we’re called to be open to new developments in the world, new technologies, new ideologies about how to live on our most precious Earth.

Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, just stationed and turned back to direct motion on Friday the 13th of November. The archetypal masculine planet is reborn on the Goddess’ day – Friday/Freya’s Day/ sacred to Venus/ Aphrodite – and number 13, since there are 13 lunar cycles in a year. May the Goddess bless her sons and inspire them to become the men they are meant to be. 

(Perhaps you’ll want to tune into my Face Book Live/ Zoom show – The Cosmic Campfire – for some storytelling about Mars and the Masculine Spirit. More information below)


Nature Spirits dancing


The Sabian symbol for Mars direct at 15* 14’ Aries is: Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset. This image speaks to our ability, especially now after the shock of Covid and living in isolation for over 6 months, to see and feel how we are part of Earth’s biosphere. There are invisible energies working around us, on us and for us. We just have to be open to perceiving them and receiving their blessings. This brave new world we’re heading toward is our re-connection to Mother Earth’s biosphere. We have to take back our role as stewards of the Earth once again.

Before I discuss what this could mean regarding Mars, let’s look at how Mars is connecting with both the Capricorn Amigos and with Venus in Libra.

As it has for the past 4 months as Mars traveled through Aries, it has been squaring the transformational Capricorn planets. Our Mars yang energy is being challenged to accept the changes that our society needs to undergo if we’re to survive and thrive in the coming years. It seems like America is split down the middle on that one.

When we don’t ‘follow the energy’ we get clogged up and constipated with anger, fear, resentment and violence. So for those of us who are ready to follow the new energy, we know that we have to leave behind our old expectations of what ‘life should be like’ and begin to live a life that is connected to the Earth and sustainable living. We can begin to give up those ‘toys’ that the military-industrial complex has mesmerized us with. And get back in our bodies and back into Nature and community.


Venus & Mars

Mars in Aries is also opposing Venus in Libra. Remember – oppositions are complementary, which means they want to work together. We have to trust our instincts as well as our hearts, our minds as well as our morals. Desire, which Mars rules, is directed at Venus, who attracts that desire. We have been trained since birth and back through our ancestral lineage to ignore our instincts and our hearts, especially around attraction and sex. That’s what we’re leaving behind as we divest ourselves of patriarchal rules and beliefs and renew our social contract (the Capricorn Amigos) with new beliefs around the relationship between the masculine and the feminine and men and women.

Venus isn’t ashamed of her sensuality and her desirability, her wildness and openness, her charm and wisdom. As a matter of fact, she wants us to learn to respect our desires. But she also wants Mars and men to respect our sexual connection, making it sacred rather than profane. If we do this one thing, making our sexuality sacred again, everything can and will change. Venus in Libra asks Mars in Aries to stop and consider the Other before taking action. Venus says, ‘let’s play nice with each other’ and she’ll do it in an artful way. Women can learn a lot from Venus/Aphrodite.



Venus in Libra is also opposite Eris in Aries. There will be discord until we find our heart’s desire again. Once we do, we will stand up to anyone and anything that denies us that. Eris is a warrioress after all!

Now let’s look at Mars in new ways. As Mars finishes his game-changing retrograde through Aries while squaring culturally renewing Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn, he has to decide whose authority and rules he’s going to follow. The old or the new. The patriarchy’s or his own authority. Will he honor and respect women and feminine consciousness? Will we choose the New King or try to prop up the old king?

Mars in Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. In the northern hemisphere, it signals the beginning of Spring, when the light conceived at Winter Solstice gets born into the world. So Aries is all about new beginnings, new life, new inspirations. It’s about new forms of growth, of action, of intention.



Some positive Aries traits are: adventurous, spontaneous, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic (inspired or possessed by a god), assertive, confident, forthright; its goal is achievement and leadership.

Some unconscious Aries behaviors are: impulsive, impatient, foolhardy, quick-tempered, selfish, argumentative, quarrelsome, competitive, egotistical, contentious, aggressive, ruthless. This is toxic masculinity and it’s showing its ugly face again. Its goal is to dominate.

(There is a series on Netflix called Cobra Kai based on the Karate Kid. The two opponents are older now, and set in their ways. But the show is about redemption and the transformation of the old dominator model of masculinity to a more conscious and protector model of masculinity. It takes a while for the transformation to begin, but hey, we are talking about men! :)

The planet Mars is named after the Roman god of war. Throughout the ancient world, the Red Planet was seen as a planet of war, oppression, plague, and conflict. And so we’ve assigned those characteristics to Mars in astrology. 



But everything is being renewed now, especially the archetypal images. Mars is the Yang energy of nature. It is the principle of energetic force and action, the impulse and capacity to assert, to act and to move forcefully, to have an impact, to press forward and against (to grapple with things), to act with sharpness and ardor. Our Mars energy can be experienced as aggression, anger, conflict, violence and competition. But we need Mars for courage and to be vital and vigorous.

In Jungian psychology, Mars is that part of the masculine which initiates, desires (Eros) and feels passionate about life. While Mars is most often embodied as the Warrior or Athlete, he is also the Lover as well as the King, and even the Magician if he’s intellectually inclined. In ancient cultures, there was little or no distinction between many of these archetypal patterns. The King especially has to embody the masculine essence of the times.


Now, with this retrograde, in this cosmic change year, we need to re-new the archetype and re-birth and reclaim our Mars energy. While this is especially true for men, we women also have a masculine side which needs renewal, for we are all Father’s Daughters, daughters of patriarchy, and we are called upon to leave the Father’s House and reclaim our original powers.

In the book by Jungian therapist Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover we see the four basic archetypes of masculine purpose and powers.  


The King embodies the spiritual fire of life, both generous and generative (I see Jupiter here as well). The King brings order to the world and has to be seasoned and complex, wise and self-less. For he is the mediator between Heaven and Earth, who is willing to die for his people. The ultimate leader and protector.



The Warrior embodies the strength of the earth, acting decisively and with courage to protect the people. He develops his skills, power, accuracy and self-control over his mind and attitudes as well as his body. He focuses his aggressive nature, develops clarity of thought, acts decisively and faces death without fear. He has self-discipline and takes responsibility for his actions.


The Magician embodies Air and has power over the Mind and Intentions, focusing his energies on gaining secret knowledge and wisdom as well as over technological/scientific knowledge. He trains his Mind to contain the Cosmos.

Mistress of Spices

The Lover embodies his heart and Water, the imagination that gives rise to art and mysticism. The lover relates to and connects with others. He is compassionate, empathetic, romantic, enthusiastic. He is alive to life and wants to see meaning in it. But he’s also willing to sacrifice his ego needs for his love.

These are four basic archetypal patterns of the Masculine Spirit. They can each manifest in many ways and hopefully we’ll see them springing up all over the world in ever greater numbers. Where they will be met and matched by the embodiment of Feminine Spirit – women who have freed themselves from the Father’s House. Women who run with the Wolves!

If you’d like to hear more about the archetypal masculine, join me on Friday evening after Mars turns direct at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST for my Cosmic Campfire, where I’ll share information and stories about Mars and Men.

You can find me on Facebook Live (


Zoom. Show up a few minutes early so I can let you in.

To explore a bit deeper about the regeneration of the Masculine and men, I looked at America’s progressed birth chart. (I’m using the July 4, 1776 chart that Caroline Casey thinks we should work with, one that sets the time at 2:25pm.) A progressed chart is a chart that moves the planets ahead a year for every day.


Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

The first thing that jumps out from this chart is that the progressed Moon, which represents ‘we the people’ is at 29* Capricorn conjunction Pluto. The end of Capricorn finds us at the end of empire – we are no longer a shining example for the world. We have let ourselves be brought low and now we’re experiencing a death. A death of our ideals as Americans but also a death of the corporate culture of capitalism. But rebirth follows soon after.

Perhaps as soon at this Winter Solstice, when Jupiter and Saturn join up at 1* Aquarius for the first time in Air signs (except for once in the 80s) since around 1200 CE. These two cultural planets sent the boundaries and interests for our collective culture and they are moving from earth and materialism to air and social connectivity and ideals. These next 20 years are going to be exciting as we discover technologies and different ways to live in the world.

Why this is interesting is that by Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020, America’s progressed Moon will also be at 1* Aquarius. So it looks like we’re going to get on board the Aquarian train to the future.


America's Progressed Moon in Aquarius


Also in the progressed chart, there is an exact opposition between Mars in Libra and Chiron in Aries. This seems to indicate that the American masculine psyche is in need of healing and renewal. When Europeans came to the Americas, they came as conquerors and that dominator mode of being has been stuck there ever since. But now we all have an opportunity to heal the masculine aspects of our culture and allow a great blossoming that our present Mars in Aries can bring us as it transits America’s progressed Chiron and opposes America’s progressed Mars.

All of that astrological jargon is just saying – Let’s choose the New King!

That’s good for now. Please join me on Friday night at 9pm EST/ 6pm PST if you want to learn more about Mars and the New Masculine energies being birthed now.

Goddess Blessings on all of us.




For a New Beginning

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.

Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

~ John O'Donohue ~

(To Bless the Space Between Us)

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Solstice: The Union of Opposites


          Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, and stands opposite the Winter Solstice in the Wheel of the Year.  It is the time when the new life and light that was born at the Winter Solstice is manifest in our lives and in the world.  Summer Solstice has been celebrated in practically every culture on Earth, and is a time of joy and celebration of the powers of life.  The Sun is at its fullest power, and the darkness of winter is a fading memory.  But just at this moment of greatest light, we begin to face death, for now the days begin to shorten and the darkness grows.  Solstice literally means "sun stand still", for at the solstices the sun seems to stop on its course before it reverses itself.
          Many traditions have grown up around the Summer Solstice.  The Native Peoples of America had many ceremonies celebrating the Sun, especially the Sun Dance which ritually commemorated the life-giving powers of the sun.  The Sun Dance of the Great Plains peoples was a dedication to the divine spirit, held during summer solstice when all of nature was rejoicing and the sage plant was succulent.
          Summer Solstice was the most important and widespread festival in Europe.  In Celtic countries, it was celebrated on Midsummer's Eve and was a vegetation-fire-water ritual, when all the elements of life were celebrated and honored.  It is a time of magic, both good and bad; a time when the faerie folk once again come out to dance.  Fires are lit to help the Sun in its course, the waters bring blessings, and dreams are potent. 
          But most of all, Midsummer is a time for lovers, for it is the moment of the marriage of Heaven and Earth.  The Sun fertilizes the Earth with His heat, and She becomes pregnant with Life.  But there is a cost to all of this, for the Summer King must fight the Winter King for his Flower Bride, and although he overcomes the darkness, yet will the darkness overcome him as well.  For after this weekend, the days will get shorter and nights longer.    
          But for now, all is happiness.  The Sun goes into Cancer and the Moon will be in Pisces - very sweet energy for this day.  It is the Marriage Feast, the Hieros-Gamos, love and desire, flesh and spirit.

The Bride:

You open me wide
To the Mystery of Love
And I penetrate
The darkness to the depths.

My Beloved encircles me
In the strength of his arms.
With his encircling Love
He guards my sweet softness.

My Bridegroom waits upon me
He watches my comings
He watches my flow
My Beloved waits upon me.

Is there anyone like my Beloved?
His is the swiftness of the Stag,
The far sight of the Eagle
The strength of the Bear.

My Bridegroom comes like the Sun
His warmth is radiant.
His beauty shines out
He is my Light.

I look for my Beloved in the daylight
And I see his face in every green leaf.
I wait upon my Lover in the night
And I find him in the depths of a forest

Oh, my Bridegroom!
Come to me in my marriage bower.
Come and enter into me
And let me bring you delight!

For my love is sweeter than honey
My love more intoxicating than wine.
For I will open myself to you
And let you penetrate my depths.

The Bride welcomes her Beloved
With the fire of her desire.
With the Love of a free heart
I call the Bridegroom home.

The Bridegroom:

In the first days, I was reborn
In the very first days, life was renewed.
In the first nights, I learned sweet delight
In the very first nights, I surrendered
          to Love.

In the freshness of the first morning
My Beloved lay in our bed of living green,
In the first light of morning
We awake to wonder and delight.

The whiteness of her shoulders
Blinds me with desire,
The softness of her white flesh
Excites the hardness of my own.

Her neck offers itself to me,
Her neck extends itself to my kisses,
And when I lose myself in its strength,
It kindles the sweetness of my desire.

With burning lips
I fire the white slopes of her shoulders.
Glowing rosy now from the heat,
They lead me to the fountains of life.

As a man dying from the dryness
From the force of the fire,
My lips find a haven
In the fountains, in the deep wells.

The twin cups are offered to me
Their golden nectar offered to me.
Twin nipples dark as earth
Waiting for the pull of life.

I will suck the sweetness of life,
I will drink of the waters.
My softness hardens her cup,
My delight intoxicates her.

And now the waters flow freely
And I drink from every stream

I drink from every deep pool.
Ah, the sweetness of the Waters.

My Beloved gives herself to me
She shares her sweetness
She softly gathers me in
To her dark mystery.

My Bride calls to me
She calls me to the depths.
My Beloved opens me to Love
And I awaken to its Mystery.

And now I discover the deep red rose,
I discover the blood-red bower.
And the living greenness encloses us
As I come home to her hidden garden.